Internal control efforts
We have established
an internal control system
for healthy business operations.
an internal control system
for healthy business operations.
Internal control efforts
We have established an internal control system for healthy business operations.
Internal control efforts
Eto Co. Ltd., as a member of the Kyokuto Boeki group, and as a responsible member of society, has established and operates an internal control system, is actively working on strengthening compliance and risk management, and is making efforts for healthy business operation.

Compliance– Observing Laws and Regulations –
Since creating the “Compliance Regulations” and “Compliance Handbook,” we have distributed them to all executives and employees to let them fully understand the details. At the same time, the CSR/action guidelines of the Kyokuto Boeki group are shared and its code of conduct (ETHICSCARD) is distributed to all executives and employees as well. We are focusing our energy so as for corporate ethics to penetrate the entire company. Also, we set up a help line window, and if in the event that suspicion of a law violation, etc. is recognized, consultation or reporting is possible.

Financial reporting (J-SOX)
For the internal control over financial reporting, while working on the improvement and operation of the control based on the “Internal Control Reporting System” stipulated by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and securing the “reliability of financial reporting,” we are continuously reviewing and making improvements.

Risk management
By establishing a risk management committee, we will evaluate and consider the various risks surrounding the business environment. We have established a system to carry out the optimal risk measures on a company-wide basis, by which risk recognition is cross-sectionally shared among organizational departments.

Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
We will seek continued innovation towards achieving management goals through the improvement, operation, and evaluation of the internal control; understanding and analyzing the issues related to the efficiency of the distribution of the management resources and the effectiveness of the operations; and implementing the measures.